Mindfulness & Meditation
Simple resources for your home practice
The Body Scan Meditation
The body scan meditation invites us to steady the mind by bringing awareness to specific parts of our body. As we “scan the body,” we will uncover tension and bracing. We may also discover softness and ease. Through this expanded awareness, the breath guides us in releasing any unpleasant sensations, while finding stillness throughout the body.
As you explore this meditation, I want to remind you that much of our emotion and trauma is stored throughout the body. This means there is a chance you may trigger strong emotions of varying intensity as you follow the meditation. If this happens, you may choose to: 1) pause the meditation; 2) hold space for discomfort; or 3) shift your focus to another body part.
Follow this link to a Beginner-Friendly Body Scan Meditation
4-Tips for the Body Scan Meditation
1) As your mind wanders, say hello-goodbye to the thoughts, and then redirect your awareness to the breath and sensations in the body. this is what our mind does: it wanders. and you get to choose what to do as you notice your thoughts have taken you out of the moment.
2) There is no "goal" to the body scan. instead, this is an opportunity to strengthen your mindfulness skills. no matter what happens (distracting thoughts, losing concentration, etc) keep coming back to the meditation. if you're showing up for yourself, you're doing just fine.
3) Maintain a quality of curiosity, non-judgment, and non-striving. Recall that you are allowed to be mindful of discomfort. Sometimes meditating is difficult and that does not mean you are doing it wrong. observe discomfort and notice how it changes moment to moment
4) Take it slow. there's no rush. notice if your mind wants to race ahead. without judgement, (and maybe even a smile!), simply come back to the breath. Your breath is always available to you.